Out of Region Subscriptions are provided to those certified NMSDC MBEs that are headquartered outside of the North Texas (DFW MSDC) region.
A subscription is an agreement to receive or be given access to an NMSDC Affiliate Council’s products or services, such as those listed below for DFW MSDC.
Each NMSDC Affiliate Council has a set of subscription services to offer certified MBEs that choose to do business outside their home council. These services are either bundled or a pay-as-you-go offering. Some services are specific to a dominant industry or are unique to the region or market in the service area. Other services are based on the ability to provide specialized services, such as office rental or technology support.
The subscription service period for the certified MBE is equivalent to the certification period with their home Council. For example, if MBE X is certified in Michigan with MMSDC from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2022, then the purchased subscription service runs during those same dates for DFW MSDC subscription services. Subscription services would expire on January 1, 2023 in our example.
The Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Premium Subscription is a select add-on that provides a multitude of value-added services for MBEs. The Premium Subscription was created upon recognizing the need to help businesses make a greater impact in the marketplace.
Please note that Out of Region Subscribers receive the Basic NMSDC Services in addition to the Premium DFW MSDC Services listed in the table below:
Subscription Fees
- Category 1 – $360 – Under $1,000,000 (Gross Sales)
- Category 2 – $460 – $1,000,000 – 10,000,000 (Gross Sales)
- Category 3 – $710 – $10,000,001 – $50,000,000 (Gross Sales)
- Category 4 – $870 – $50,000,001 and over (Gross Sales)