Open to Certified D/FW MSDC MBEs, D/FW MSDC Subscribers and NMSDC Certified MBEs Only
Meet with a C-level Buying Entity member of your selection (1st come, 1st served) for 30 minutes. The Council has invited C-Suite Champions from various disciplines to participate in the exciting experience. MBEs can select the company/organization and C-Suite executive they would like to have a 30-minute virtual session. The executive and MBE will schedule their meeting between August and December 1, 2020. Several of the executives have agreed to do at least three separate sessions in order to visit with as many MBEs as they can. Take advantage of the amazing offer. There is NO promise of business but this is still an excellent chance to start to talk and build a relationship with an organization and find out more about potential needs and opportunities.
Extended until September 10, 2020
(shown alphabetically by company/organization)
Fee Per Session – $1500.00
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