The Council creates and trademarks BUY THOSE THAT BUY USTM.
Championed by MBE Input Committee leaders, the Council Board of Directors adopted an initiative designed to spotlight best practices and companies that achieved real results in minority business inclusion. Designed to tie buying habits to minority inclusion goals and objectives was implemented. BUY THOSE THAT BUY USTM became a trademarked initiative to recognize those Corporations and Public Sector Agencies that “get it right” when it comes to minority inclusion. The program reports aggregate spend with minority owned businesses and recognizes best practices used to help achieve minority business spend. After a review of the initiative, The Dallas Together Forum’s DT21 championed the Council and BTTBUTM as the best source in the region to capture and report minority supplier inclusion success. BTTBUTM began issuing white papers publicizing aggregate minority business spend results and best practices from the participating Buying Entity Partners that helped attain true results.
The BTTBUTM initiative has created numerous “copycats” delivering a message of more closely aligning personal and business spend with business and personal goals.